DIY Wreath Making


Earlier this month, I decided to take a wreath making workshop at the new Rolling Greens in DTLA. It was such a fun and inspiring experience, that genuinely got me into the holiday mood. The spiked hot cocoa and the delicious pie tasting by added to the fun and excitement of the day. You can search out a workshop in your area, or just buy the following items at your local craft store, like a Michael’s. I think next year, I am going to share the experience, and host a small kick-off party to the holidays and invite some girlfriends over to the house for wreath making, cookies, hot cocoa and a holiday chic-flick playing in the background. It’s not too late for you to do this. It’s really easy and fun! Here is what you will need for a basic wreath…allow yourself to get creative!

Makes 1 wreath

  • 1 dried vine wreath (size is up to you)

  • 1 pkg green floral wire (10-12” length pre-cut pieces)

  • Small garden shears

  • Garden Gloves

  • BASE GREENERY>fresh or dried greens such as various pine, evergreen, eucalyptus trimmings, etc.

  • ACCENT GREENERY>such as pine cones, flowers, seed pods, etc. Other add on items could be 2” wide decorative holiday ribbon, candy canes or ornaments.

Start by laying your base greenery on your wreath in the fashion that you are wanting. I chose to only put greenery on a portion of my wreath, but you can choose to do any look you want. This is your creation, so have fun.

You will need to cut down the stems so that they are easier to tie down. Now start to place your accent greenery where you want. Choose a focal point and build from there. Once you are happy with your design, you can start to tie it down with the floral wire.

Take a piece of the wire about 12” long, and poke it through the front of the wreath, so that you have a few inches poking out the backside of the wreath. Now take the other end and wrap it around some of the greenery. Poke it through the wreath and pull to tighten. Now, pull both ends of the wire, twist a few times and cut it down if needed. Weave the ends into the back of the wreath, so that no sharp ends will poke or scratch you. Continue to do this step until all greenery has been tied down. Continue to add or take away accent greenery and tie it down until you are completely satisfied with the look you are trying to achieve. After everything is tied down, do what I call the “shake test.” Turn your wreath upside down and give it a good shake to make sure nothing falls out. Tie down or tighten up the wiring as needed. Add any bows or ornaments if desired. Now your wreath is complete!

Enjoy your hot cocoa, take in the experience and smile! This is your holiday fun!

Stay strong, enjoy the moment!




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