Checking In

Hi Readers,

It has been quite a while! That is my fault. I constantly hem and haw about should I post this, or should I post that? Why do I want to expose myself in such a raw and honest way? Haven’t I already said what I have to say? It is so easy just to say “oh I will post something soon.”

Breast Cancer Awareness Month forces me each year to look at myself as a two-time survivor, and realize that life is good! I am alive. I am doing ok today, and I will continue to thrive. I can honestly say, that it is not always easy to say that. I definitely have my moments of anger, fear and yes, the occasional watering eyes. This month I am promising myself to write several posts detailing my journey from this past year. Some upcoming topics will give personal insight to the Allergan textured implant recall, reconstruction options, and the stress that comes along with the “elephant in the room,” BREAST CANCER.

Stay strong and fight!



5 Benefits of Meditation
